Tuesday 24 March 2009

D's side

I don't know if D will ever read this as she isn't talking to me right now in fact she hates me right now (but not as much as I hate myself) for what I have done, but I've found it helpful to write and post blogs about what I'm feeling on the Internet to put it out there where people can read them even if no one reads them . Now below is my side of the story its the very long one (sorry it's a bit of an essay but I've got a lot playing on my mind). I writing this as I want people to know her side so they get more of the picture and don't hate D a lot of what happened has happened because of silly little thing that grew and got bigger but mainly because we didn't communicate with each other which would have solved a lot of this situation.
I ask D out (I know she likes me but not sure if it was just as friends or if it was something more) and she said yes as friends but sometime next week as she was busy this week (it was a Friday) the next week she wasn't feeling to good and was busy the weekend and the next week was valentines weekend on the Thursday I sent her a message on facebook telling her I had some feelings for her and wanted to get to know her better and also asked if she felt the same. The Friday was S's leaving drinks to which D said she'll turn up but I'll be later if we where still there I knew what time she would be free and about 20 to ten sent her a text to say we where still at the pub (I organised the drinks) and waited 10 minutes then tried to phone her straight to voice mail OK I thought she on the underground give her a chance to get here 10 o'clock called her again to (she didn't have far to come) it rang and rang then went to voice mail. OK she tired she gone home but I was upset that she didn't just say she couldn't make it (not the first time this has happened). Saturday (valentines day ) I went out came home alone. Sunday I see she's on msn I say hi 5 minutes no reply I say we need to talk again no reply i leave the mouse alone and wait for msn to say that I'm away still no reply and in all that time her status hasn't change i type something else and wait for... no reply. I go get something to eat and its now been 45 minutes that I've been trying to talk to her but no reply and I'm fed up of her not talking to me be it via phone msn or text and I send her a msn saying she cold and she end up alone and tell her not to talk to me on msn then I blocked her so she could reply and deleted her from my facebook friends I was going to delete her number from my phone but though if I see her name I can choose not to answer it. Then I found out that Colombians don't always want to talk via msn or facebook and when I see her she look hurt and I forget why I was upset with her and want to make it up to her but she's doing what she was told and not talking to me at first I don't know what i can do to try and make it up to her. I know she likes chocolate cake and can't find a really nice one so I decide to make one which goes wrong the oven is too hot for the times they say 20 mins gas mark 4 I cooked 1 cake 18 mins gas mark 1 it still came out burnt the last one I did I put in a cold over and cooked for 20 mins gas mark 1 she still hasn't tried the any of the 6 cakes (shes on holiday at the moment) that I baked but my housemate has put on nearly 8kilos which he blames on the cakes while I've lost 1.1 kilo in the same time then I go to Spain for a holiday bring her back a picture but it got a bit tatty with all the travelling mainly from home to work and i think I may have been make some head way when t S's party I send her a text and as far as she's knows this text is out of the blue ( the text is below) I don't think she's going out with anyone from her reactions and I'm left wondering did A get the information wrong did she lie to hurt one of us or both of us or did she tell the truth and D is a very good actress. It's not very good at telling D's side but it is less bias than my side. I don't know want she thinking or whats she's doing or even how much she's hurting. But for now I have to leave her alone I tried to talk to her but I could see I was hurting and could tell her the truth about what happened not until I know for sure if what A told me was true of false.

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